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Questionnaire for ATM cards

ATM card holders satisfaction highly depends on ATM card security, Customer Service, Support, flexibility and lower bank charge. ATM card holder satisfaction also depends on the relationship between bank and the customer and other facilities.  Here briefly discuss a sample questionnaire for any report.

Questionnaire for Interview
1. Which of the following is your current bank?
A) Standard Chartered Bank
B) Eastern Bank
C) BRAC Bank
D) Other Bank
2. How long have you been a customer of BRAC Bank?
A) More than 5 years B) 3 – 5 years C) 1 – 2 years D) Less than 1 year.
3. In the past 5 years, other than for geographical relocation, how many times have you switched to a different bank?
A) Over 5 times B) 3 to 5 times C) 1 to 2 times D) Never switched
4. What was the main reason for switching Bank?
A) Poor Customer Service
B) Slow service
C) Other
5. How long you are using BRAC Bank ATM Card?
A) More than 5 years B) 3 – 5 years C) 1 – 2 years D) Less than 1 year.
6. How many times you have faced technical problem in ATM Machine in a year?22 | P a g e
A) Over 40 times B) 20 to 40 times C) 10 to 20 times D) Less than 10 times
7. BRAC Bank ATM card lasts as long as it has expire dates.
A) Strongly Agree B) Agree C) Disagree D) Strongly Disagree
8. BRAC Bank customer care response in fever of customer in terms of any technical problem?
A) Strongly Agree B) Agree C) Disagree D) Strongly Disagree
9. BRAC Bank always offer an excellent customer service.
A) Strongly Agree B) Agree C) Disagree D) Strongly Disagree
10. Is there any limitation of BRAC Bank ATM card?
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11. BRAC Bank offers a competitive charge for ATM Card holders.
A) Strongly Agree B) Agree C) Disagree D) Strongly Disagree
12. BRAC Bank never has any hidden charges.
A) Strongly Agree B) Agree C) Disagree D) Strongly Disagree
13. How far you have to travel to reach the nearest ATM booth?
A) Less than 5 min B) 5 – 10 min C) 10 – 20 min D) More than 20 min
14. Shopping and cash withdrall, Deposit and e-payment is easier with BRAC Bank ATM card.
A) Strongly Agree B) Agree C) Disagree D) Strongly Disagree
15. Face any difficulty while using internationally?
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16. How long you have to wait in a queue while using ATM booth.
A) Less than 5 Min B) 5 to 10 Min C) More than 10 Min
17. What are the things BRAC Bank can add up to increase ATM card holder‟s satisfaction?
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